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Academic Publications 
  1. Tuuling, I., Põldsaar, K. (2021). The role of the Leba Ridge-Riga-Pskov Fault Zone in the tectonic evolution of the deep-facies Livonian Tongue within the Baltic Ordovician-Silurian sedimentary basin: a review. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 70, 94-106. 10.3176/earth.2021.07

  2. Põldsaar, K. (2019). Soft-sediment deformation and gravity flow structures in the Lower Palaeozoic succession of the Baltic Basin. Doctoral dissertation. Tartu, University of Tartu press.

  3. Põldsaar, K., Ainsaar, L., Nemliher, R., Tinn, O., Stinkulis, G. (2019). A siliciclastic shallow-marine turbidite on the carbonate shelf of the Ordovician Baltoscandian paleobasin. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 68, 1-14. 10.3176/earth.2019.01.

  4. Plado, J., Ainsaar, L., Dmitrijeva, M., Põldsaar, K., Ots, S., Pesonen, L. J., Preeden, U. (2016). Magnetic susceptibility of Middle Ordovician sedimentary rocks, Pakri Peninsula, NW Estonia. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 65 (3), 125−137.10.3176/earth.2016.11.

  5. Põldsaar, K., Ainsaar, L. (2015). Soft-sediment deformation structures in the Cambrian (Series 2) tidal deposits (NW Estonia): Implications for identifying endogenic triggering mechanisms in the ancient sedimentary record. Palaeoworld, 24, 16−35.10.1016/j.palwor.2014.12.003.

  6. Põldsaar, K.; Ainsaar, L. (2014). Extensive soft-sediment deformation structures in the early Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) shallow-marine siliciclastic sediments formed on the Baltoscandian carbonate ramp, northwestern Estonia. Marine Geology, 356, 111−127.10.1016/j.margeo.2013.08.012.

  7. Bauert, H.; Ainsaar, L.; Põldsaar, K.; Sepp, S. (2014). δ13C chemostratigraphy of the Middle and Upper Ordovician succession in the Tartu-453 drillcore, southern Estonia, and the significance of the HICE. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 63 (4), 195−200.10.3176/earth.2014.18.

Conference abstracts
  1. Põldsaar, K., Ainsaar, L., (2014). Recognizing triggers for extensive liquefaction structures in two Early Paleozoic shallow- marine sandstones, NW Estonia: Earthquake shock vs. cyclic storm-loading. In: Zhan, R., Huang, B., (Eds.), IGCP 591 Field Workshop 2014, Kunming, China, 12-21. August 2014. Extended Summary. Nanjing University Press, China, Kunming, 117 - 119.

  2. Põldsaar, K., Ainsaar, L., (2014). Large-scale soft-sediment deformation in Middle-Ordovician shallow-marine siliciclastic sediments (Baltic Basin, NW Estonia) – a case of impact shaking or unique tectonic activity within stable intracratonic sedimentary basin. In: Bauert, H., Hints, O., Meidla, T., Männik, P. (Eds.), 4th Annual Meeting of IGCP 591, Estonia, 10 - 19 June 2014. Abstracts and Field Guide. University of Tartu, Tartu, p. 76.

  3. Bauert, H., Ainsaar, L., Bauert, G., Nõlvak, J., Põldsaar, K., Sepp, S., (2014). Integrated Ordovician δ13C chemostratigraphy and chitinozoan biostratigraphy of the Tartu drillcore section, southern Estonia. In: Bauert, H., Hints, O., Meidla, T., Männik, P. (Eds.), 4th Annual Meeting of IGCP 591, Estonia, 10 - 19 June 2014. Abstracts and Field Guide. University of Tartu, Tartu, p. 16.



Popular science articles
  1. Põldsaar, K. (2020). Kivististe kuninganna [The queen of fossils]. Retrieved from (in Estonian)

  2. Põldsaar, K. (2020). Hanesulega professor [Professor with a geather quill]. Retrieved from (in Estonian)

  3. Põldsaar, K. (2020). Igavesti noor professor [Forever young professor]. Retrieved from (in Estonian)

  4. Põldsaar, K., Averin, A. (2020). Mees, kes teadis kalasõnu [The man who knew the words of fish]. Retrieved from (in Estonian)

  5. Põldsaar, K. (2020). Õhinapõhine vandersell [The Traveller]. Retrieved from (in Estonian)

  6. Põldsaar, K. (2020). Isepäine edasirühkija [Stubborn and goal-oriented]. Retrieved from (in Estonian)

  7. Põldsaar, K., (2020). Vahva vunts Grigori Petrovitš [The Mustage - Grigori Petrovitš]. Retrieved from (in Estonian)

  8. Põldsaar, K., (2020). Väävliaurudes karastunud professor [Hardened in sulfur vapors]. Retrieved from (in Estonian)

  9. Kirs, J., Põldsaar, K. (2020). Kivist ingel [The angel of stone]. Retrieved from (in Estonian)

  10. Põldsaar, K., Uppin, M., (2014). Eesti maapõue tervistavad rikkused: ravimuda ja mineraalvesi [Estonian curative natural resources: recreational clays and mineral waters]. Eesti Loodus 10, 18 - 24, (in Estonian).

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